Thanks for your patience!
Last updated 23/07/2021
As you may all be aware, legal obligations for mask wearing and social distancing has been lifted.
However, we will be continuing to wear PPE (gloves, apron and mask) for our appointments in line with current CSP, HCPC and Public Health England guidance.
We will also ask you to complete a pre-appointment questionnaire, mainly to gather information in advance of your session but also to allow us to risk assess in advance.
Without these procedures we may be legally required to cancel clinics under certain circumstances, so as well as protecting us, it allows us to ensure minimum disruption to appointments.
To protect you, us, and other patients we would ask that you kindly wear a mask to your appointment unless exempt. This is line with the University and Physiokinetic policies, where we host our clinic.
As it stands, we ask you to arrive no more than 10 minutes early for your appointment. If you wait in the foyer of the sports centre, we will come and meet you for there.
This of course is subject to change and we will update accordingly.